Creating a Login UI Using Kivy Framework
Category : Python Development
Tutorial for creating a simple Login UI using The Kivy Framework in Python
Pokemon Go: Giratina Altered Forme Duo
Category : Pokemon Go
So Giratina Altered Forme dropped for the weekend, and Lafayette was blessed with a small window of like three hours of windy weather in game. So Dj and I took advantage of it, and tried our hand at duoing the Ghost Dragon!
Pokemon Go: Rayquaza Duos from March 2019 Event
Category : Pokemon Go
Recap of my two Rayquaza raids from the March 2019 event.
Pokemon Go: Attack Form Deoxys Solo in Partly Cloudy Weather
Category : Pokemon Go
So after my last Deoxys Raid, I redid some of my Tyranitar Squad to optimize my solo as I mentioned in my last blog post. Unfortunately, the weather this go round was Partly Cloudy, meaning I had a weather boost effect on my Tyranitars.
Pokemon Go: Attack Form Deoxys Solo with HP Boost
Category : Pokemon Go
Posted a video of my solo against EX Raid Legendary Pokemon: Attack Form Deoxys, and discuss some plans for my next go round.
Most Significant Life Event, So Far…..
Category : Blog
It is hard to believe it has really been nearly 5 years since I witnessed CAPE-2 soar into space aboard a Minotaur I rocket from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Looking back at the last five years makes me realize just how much I’ve grown and matured both personally, but also professionally as a software developer.
Hello World!
Category : Blog
I just wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who have come to visit my website.