Hello Everyone and Welcome to my personal website.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who have come to visit my website. I’m not 100% sure what I will be doing here just yet, as far as blogging goes. I am considering blogging every now and then about the projects I am involved in, and my experiences in doing them. Especially over this coming winter break I have. I might also post tutorials on different things that I struggled with to show a process to help someone else who may also be struggling as well. I can’t begin to say how many times a blog post from someone on the internet has saved me hours of painstaking work to figure out my issues. So I’m thinking I will return the favor.
I am also thinking about doing a few blogs on my experiences as a Masters student, and talking about things that are sometimes not well known about being in a Masters Program until you get in a program. However, I will say the experience will vary quite a bit depending on what you decide to do with the time you have. I’ll touch on this in more detail later on.
For now, thanks again, and here is to hoping I actually do write some blogs up!
-Rizwan Merchant